Calculer l’aire d’un cercle



Java Programming for Engineers
Julio Sanchez
Maria P. Canton

ISBN: 0849308100
Publisher: CRC Press

// File name:
//Reference: Chapter 5
//Java program to calculate the area of a circle
// 1. Using numeric variables and constants
// 2. Obtaining keyboard input
// 3. Displaying program data
// 4. Performing simple numeric calculations
// 1. Keyin class in the current directory

public class Area {
  // Constant PI is defined at the class level
  static final double PI = 3.141592653589793;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Local variables
    double radius, area;

    // Input radius from keyboard
    radius = Keyin.inDouble("Enter radius: ");

    // Perform calculations and display result
    area = PI * (radius * radius);
    System.out.println("The area is: " + area);

//Program: Keyin
//Reference: Session 20
//   1. Using the read() method of the ImputStream class
//      in the package
//   2. Developing a class for performing basic console
//      input of character and numeric types

class Keyin {

  //   support methods
  //Method to display the user's prompt string
  public static void printPrompt(String prompt) {
    System.out.print(prompt + " ");

  //Method to make sure no data is available in the
  //input stream
  public static void inputFlush() {
    int dummy;
    int bAvail;

    try {
      while (( != 0)
        dummy =;
    } catch ( e) {
      System.out.println("Input error");

  //  data input methods for
  //string, int, char, and double
  public static String inString(String prompt) {
    return inString();

  public static String inString() {
    int aChar;
    String s = "";
    boolean finished = false;

    while (!finished) {
      try {
        aChar =;
        if (aChar < 0 || (char) aChar == '
          finished = true;
        else if ((char) aChar != '
          s = s + (char) aChar; // Enter into string

      catch ( e) {
        System.out.println("Input error");
        finished = true;
    return s;

  public static int inInt(String prompt) {
    while (true) {
      try {
        return Integer.valueOf(inString().trim()).intValue();

      catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        System.out.println("Invalid input. Not an integer");

  public static char inChar(String prompt) {
    int aChar = 0;


    try {
      aChar =;

    catch ( e) {
      System.out.println("Input error");
    return (char) aChar;

  public static double inDouble(String prompt) {
    while (true) {
      try {
        return Double.valueOf(inString().trim()).doubleValue();

      catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            .println("Invalid input. Not a floating point number");

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  • calculer l'aire d'un cercle en java

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